Our Mission

At the Maryland Forestry Foundation, our mission is clear and unwavering:

  • Championing Forest Stewardship

    We are dedicated to advocating for the responsible management, conservation, and sustainable utilization of Maryland's diverse forest resources, whether they be found in urban, suburban, or rural settings.  We aim to safeguard and enhance these precious natural assets through both program implementation and legislative efforts.

Empowering Education:

We believe in the power of knowledge. Our mission includes educating the general public, private forest landowners and state and local leaders about the multitude of benefits that forests provide. By

spreading awareness, we empower individuals, communities and stakeholder organizations to make informed decisions regarding our forests.  We also focus on encouraging young people to enter the field of Natural Resources as a career pursuit.  We do this by hosting the Natural Resources Careers Camp for high school students and by managing the Mel Fellowship program which gives out $10,000 to each of four college students in a Natural Resources major.  We will soon be launching an Urban Forestry Careers Camp for high schoolers on the campus of the University of Maryland.

  • Greening Maryland:

    Our highest commitment extends to protecting and expanding forest cover across Maryland. This endeavor not only maximizes the benefits for landowners but also contributes to carbon sequestration and to improved air and water quality while enhancing green infrastructure in our urban areas. We're dedicated to creating a greener and more sustainable Maryland for all.


  • Local Empowerment

    We recognize the significance of Maryland's 24 local Forestry Boards. To maximize our impact, we work to strengthen their effectiveness and outreach capabilities. Together, we strive to make Maryland a model of forest conservation and sustainable forestry practices.

Join us in our mission to preserve, educate, expand, and empower.  Together, we can ensure the vitality and well-being of Maryland's forests for generations to come.