Webinar Series

SThe Foundation recognizes the importance of legislative policies in shaping management decisions at broad scales and at the local level. To promote better understanding of policies influencing how forests in Maryland are managed, the Foundation hosts a free monthly webinar series to provide education and discussion on various aspects of forest and environmental policy. The Framing the Future webinars can be viewed live on the third Thursday of each month at 1 pm.


The July 2024 webinar topic: 

Invasive Species Regulatory Changes in Maryland

Date and time:  July 18, 2024  at  1:00 pm

Registration: Click here

Topic Discussion:

On May 9, 2024 Governor Wes Moore signed the Agriculture and Biodiversity Protection Act into law. This new legislation strengthens Maryland’s regulations on non-native invasive species. We’ll be joined by members of the Maryland Native Plant Coalition who were instrumental in the development and passage of the Act to discuss the details of the new regulations and what they mean for Maryland’s environment.


Framing the Future_24.07

Invasive Species Regulatory Changes in Maryland

Thursday, July 18, 1-2 pm 2024    Recording


Speakers: Judy Fulton, Maryland Native Plant Society; Kristen Hoffman, Green Towson Alliance; Marie LaPorte, Maryland Chapter of Sierra Club

Framing the Future_24.06

Meet Our 2023-2024 Mel Fellows

Thursday, June 20, 1-2 pm 2024    Recording


Speakers: Lauren Baker, University of Maryland; Anna Cullen, Forest Technology Allegany College of Maryland; Peyton Eppard, St. Mary's College; Hanna Weikert, University of Maryland

Framing the Future_24.05

Aligning Maryland's Ambitious Environmental Goals

Thursday, May 16, 1-2 pm 2024    Recording

Speakers: Elliott Campbell, Maryland Dept. of Natural Resources; Marie Panday, Maryland Dept. of the Environment; Alisha Mulkey, Maryland Dept. of Agriculture

Framing the Future April 2024

Maryland's Big Tree Program

Thursday, April 18, 1-2 pm 2024   Recording

Speakers: Jim Bardsley, Dendrologist, Maryland Big Tree Program; Joli McCathran, Co-Chair, Maryland Big Tree Program, President, Maryland Association of Forest Conservancy District Boards.

Framing the Future March 2024

Wood Vaults:  Carbon Capture as Climate Strategy

Thursday, March 21, 1-2 pm 2024   Recording

Speakers: Harry Huntley, Environmental Policy Innovation Center; Shaun Preston, Baltimore City Urban Forestry Division; Ning Zeng, Univ of Maryland Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science.


Framing the Future Feb 2024

Defining Urban Forestry

Thursday, February 15, 1-2 pm 2024   Recording

Speakers: Mark Buscaino, Executive Director, Casey Trees; Fred Chalfant, Urban Forester, TreeBaltimore


Framing the Future_24_01
Framing the Future_23.12

Natural Resources Careers Camp

Thursday, January 18, 1-2 pm 2024    Recording

Speakers : Dawn Balinski, Treasurer, Maryland Forestry Foundation;  Marie Miller, Associate Professor & Forestry Program Direction, Allegany College of Maryland;  Gabrielle Oldham, Director, Natural Resources Careers Camp.

Assessing the Health of Urban Green Spaces

Thursday, December 21, 1-2 pm 2023  Recording

Speaker : Katie Lautar, Executive Director, Baltimore Green Space.

Framing the Future_23.11

Seed Sources for Planting Future Forests

Thursday, November 16, 1-2 pm 2023    Recording

Speakers : Rich Hallett, Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station;  Ashley Traut, Senior Advisor, Greater Baltimore Wilderness Coalition

Framing the Future_23.10

Bird-Friendly Forest Management

Thursday, October 19, 1-2 pm 2023   Recording

Speakers : Joshua Rittenhouse, Forest Program Associate, National Audubon Society, Audubon Mid-Atlantic

Framing the Future_23.09

Emerging Issues     Recording

Thursday, September 21, 1-2 pm 2023 Speakers : Gary Allen, President, Maryland Forestry Foundation

Framing the Future_23.08

Accessibity of Forests and Nature    Recording

Thursday, August 17, 1-2 pm 2023 Speakers : Caleb Carlton, Executive Director, Birdability;  Carleton Montgomery Executive Director, Pinelands Preservation Alliance

Framing the Future_23.07

Spotted Lanternfly: Updates and Current Status in Maryland      Recording

Thursday, July 20 2023, 1-2 pm
Speakers : Kenton Sumpter Entomologist, Maryland Department of Agriculture;  Emily Zobel, Senior Agent Associate, University of Maryland Extension

Framing the Future_23.06

Urban Forestry, Citizen Science, and Redlining: Patterns and Processes   Recording

June 15, 1-2 pm 2023 Speakers : Dexter Locke, Research Social Scientist, USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station

Framing the Future_23.05

The Mel Noland Fellowship Experience    Recording

Thursday, May 18 2023, 1-2 pm
Speakers : Damani Eubanks PhD Candidate, University of Maryland;  Yazan Hasan Student, Story Teller, Activist, University of Maryland;  Marilyn Yang Environmental Science & Philosophy Undergraduate, University of Maryland

Framing the Future_23.04

Impacts of Data Sources in Understanding Forest Dynamics     Recording

April 20, 1-2 pm 2023 Speakers : Tonya Lister, Research Forester, USDA Forester;  Jarlath O'Neil-Dunne, Director, Spatial Analysis Laboratory University of Vermont

Framing the Future_23.03

Defining Forest Stewardship    Recording

Thursday, March 16 2023, 1-2 pm
Speakers : Ben Larson, Mid-Atlantic Forest Conservation Director, Ruffed Grouse Society;  Daniel Rider, Forest Stewardship & Utilization Program Manager, DNR Forest Service;  Bryan Seipp, Director of Forest Management, Ecotone LLC

Framing the Future_23.02

Environmental Priorities for the Moore Administration Perspectives from the Transition Team   Recording

February 16, 1-2 pm 2023 Speakers : Kim Coble Executive Director, Maryland League of Conservation Voters;  Hannah Polikov Managing Director, Advance Energy

Framing the Future_23.01

Forest Preservation as a Priority in the Forest Conservation Act    Recording

January 19 2023, 1-2 pm
Speakers : Harry Huntley Senior Agriculture Policy Analyst, Environmental Policy Information Center;  Erik Fisher Maryland Assistant Director and Land Use Planner, Chesapeake Bay Foundation

Framing the Future_22.12

Urban Wood Utitlization   Recording

December 15, 2022-Speakers : Ben Crenshaw CEO, Cambium Carbon;  Shaun Preston Recycling Coordinator, Baltimore City Foundation

Framing the Future_22.11

Hughes Center Analysis of Maryland's Tree Canopy Cover      Recording

November 17 2022, 10-11 am
Speakers : Aditi Dubey Research Associate, Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology;  Kathryne L. Everts Director, Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology;  Susan Minnemeyer Vice President of Climate Change Strategy, Chesapeake Conservancy

Framing the Future_22.10

Strengthening The Role of Women in Forestry    Recording

October 20, 2022 Speakers : Cheryle Francheschl Producer/Director/Writer, Por Eco Productions;  Anne Hairston-Strang,  State Forester, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Forest Service;   Lydla Martin Ecological Design Consultant, Hidden Valley & Let's Go Outdoors

Framing the Future_22.09

The Role of Biomass in Maryland's Clean Energy    Recording

September 15, 2022
Speakers : Maura Ross Wood Energy Coordinator, Maryland Clean Energy Center;   Joe Hinton, Forestry Consultant;  Daniel Rider, Forest Stewardship & Utiilization Program Manager, DNR Forest Service

Framing the Future_22.08

The Urban Forest Inventory and Analysis FIA Study    Recording

August 18, 2022 Speakers : Tonya Lister, Research Forester, USDA Forest Service;  Mark Majewsky, Supervisor Forester, USDA Forest Service;  Nancy Falxa Sonti,  Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service

Framing the Future_22.07

Deer Management In Maryland    Recording

July 21, 2022
Speakers : Luke Macaulay, Wildlife Management Specialist, University of Maryland Extension;  George Timko,  Deer Project Co-Leader, Maryland DNR Wildlife & Heritage Service

Framing the Future_22.06

Forest Financing Innovations,
Policy Incentives, Programs & Challenges       Recording

June 18, 2022
Speakers : Jason Y Lee, Director, Quantified Ventures & Michael Roberts, Deputy Director, Water Quality Financing Administration, Maryland Department of the Environment

Framing the Future_22.05

Forest Management for Climate & Carbon

May 19 2022
Speakers : Elliott Campbell, Acting Director, Office of Science & Stewardship, Maryland DNR;   Erin Gleeson, Director, Central Appalachians, Family Forest Carbon Program, American Forest Foundation

Framing the Future_22.04

The Policy & Practice of Stream Restoration

April 21 2022
Speakers : Reid Cook,  Director of Design, East Resource Environmental Solution (RES); Rod Simmons, Natural Resource Manager/Plant Ecologist, City of Alexandria

Framing the Future_22.03

Urban Planning & Zoning
Implications for Tree Cover on a Metropolitan Scale

Mar 17, 2022 Recording
Speakers : Michael Knapp, Urban Forester - Senior Permitting Specialist, Montgomery County DPS;  Vincent Verweij, Urban Forest Manager, Arlington VA, MWCOG Tree Committee

Framing the Future_22.02

Regulating Non-Native Invasive Plant Species

Feb 17, 2022

Speakers : Eric Luedtke,  Majority Leader, Maryland House of Delegates;  Jil Swearingen,  Invasive Species Specialist, In the Weeds Consulting

Framing the Future_22.01

Policy Past and Present: Impacts on the Current Environment

Jan 20, 2022
Speakers : Dexter Locke, USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station;   Sacoby Wilson, Associate Professor, Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health

Framing the Future_21.12

The New State Five Million Tree Goal: Implications for Urban Communities

Dec 16, 2021

Framing the Future_21.11